Cherington Parish Council Meeting, June 13th, 6pm in the Village Hall

The next Cherington Parish Council Meeting will be held at 6pm on June 13th in Cherington Village Hall.

The Agenda will be available shortly but in the meantime here is some insight into the workings of your Parish Council!

Each year, we appoint an independant Internal Auditor to check that the financial workings of the Parish Council are in order. At the June meeting, we will be receiving the Internal Auditor’s Report. We will also be completing the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. This may sound a bit dry but it is a necessary part of managing public money and you might find it interesting to hear what that entails.

The money we spend is paid to us by Cotswold District Council from your Council Tax. This makes it your money and if you would like to know how it is spent, please come along. We are a very welcoming Parish Council and would be very pleased to see you!