B4014 Avening to Tetbury Road Closure 23 – 27 October 2023

What:     Temporary Traffic Order to close the road for essential Ash Dieback tree work.

Where:   B4014 Avening to Tetbury

When:     23rd – 27th October 2023 inclusive (excluding weekends) from 09.30 to 15.30 daily.

Gloucestershire County Council, has advised us that they are due to be carrying out essential works at the above location to remove unsafe trees infected with Ash Dieback.

Ash Dieback disease causes Ash trees to become unsafe; trees could shed limbs or collapse on to the road causing harm and injury. This work must take place for health and safety reasons, to protect road users and pedestrians, and make sure the carriageway remains clear of debris.

Please Note: *During this period, 23rd – 27th October 2023 inclusive, there will be NO through access from Avening to Tetbury along B4104. Essential Ash Dieback work is to be completed at multiple sites, moving south from Avening along B4014.

If you have any queries, please refer to the letter and Frequently Asked Questions leaflet in the links below or contact GCC Highways on 08000 514514 or email AshDieback@gloucestershire.gov.uk. Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.

(Image courtesy of Woodland Trust)